Friday, October 28, 2011

Meet Nate Guralman

Nate Guralman is my alter-ego in New Eden. He's a Minmatar from the Sebeistor tribe. He's the last character I've created, and so he's got the least SPs. So why use him instead of one of my more skilled characters? Because he's got a pronounceable name. I'd given my other alts Japanese names (I was planning a trip to Japan at the time), and I quickly realized complicated names are a problem when flying with people you've just met. I suppose I could have petitioned for a name change, but this was easier. And it's not like my other characters had that much more SPs.

I'm not much of an RPer, so my character won't have much in terms of a background. I'm presenting him here just so I can set a baseline of where Nate was when he started his piloting career.

So where is he starting from exactly? Pretty close to the beginning. As I'm writing this, he's got 4,433,471 SPs, and about 18,000,000 ISK. The corporation he's in has a few dozen million ISK tied up in assets, but I'm not sure what to do there. I'm considering dropping Nate from the corporation, and keeping that corporation as a high-sec trading/hauling company, so that I can haul loot back and forth from low to high sec. But I'm likely to sell some of the mining assets. I just can't see myself doing a lot of mining anymore. The corp has a well fitted Retriever that I should get 8,000,000 ISK for, as well as hulk that would sell for much, much more. And I have an Orca as well. The Orca, I'll keep.

In terms of short term plans, Nate will be training the basics to level 5: engineering, electronics, spaceship command, gunnery, mechanic, etc. It's not the most exciting training you can do, but I'm a firm believer that if you have the fundamentals right, it's much easier to deal with the specializations. Once that's done, I'll start training the skills I need to fit a Rifter with T2 gear, and fly it properly. I'll post my fit and EVEMon plan here once it's put together. For now, I have to run.

Fly dangerously

1 comment:

  1. I like the pose of you character. Post screen shots when you can. The game is amazingly beautiful.
