Monday, June 25, 2012

T2 Drake: Check!

So, starting with nothing but an Ibis and 1.15 ISK, Tori has managed to accumulate enough ISK to purchase a Drake and equip it with T2 components.:

The sources of income for this little experiment were mining to get started (the Ibis is too weak for even L1 missions) then rewards from missions: primarily sales of LP store items, but also bounties and mission rewards. I did some looting of wrecks (mostly L3, but a bit of L2s if they were clustered). And finally, I did some station trading, maybe 10M worth.

I'm pretty happy it's over. I don't hate especially hate missioning, but I do hate missioning for a purpose. Most of the time, I do a few missions to try out new ships or new tactics. In these cases, I usually do a few missions to try out the ship or module I'm working with, then I move on to something else. 10 days of almost daily missioning, looting, and item sorting isn't my primary goal in EVE.

Now that I'm done with this, I can wrap up my other ongoing experiment, which is to make it to 1B ISK. I'm almost there, stay tuned.

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